Friday, September 24, 2010

The New Neighborhood: Glenwood, Durban

We have settled into our daily lives in Durban. Natty works only until 4 at the Legal Resource Centre (with tea in the morning and an hour lunch break) and I am volunteering at Sinikithemba Centre, working with HIV positive kids in the mornings. What our days lack in length though, they make up for in the intensity of the experiences. Natty visited a family where 24 children under the age of 18 are living with three adults. I spend time with kids who have been developmentally delayed because of AIDS and have often lost a parent or family member to the disease. We are thankful for our quiet neighborhood and cozy apartment as places to let down and think through all we are seeing.

Pretty street!
Cricket batting cages. Remember the cricket field on Green End?
Hey, how does my butt look?
Barbed wire. Everywhere.
Durban in spring is lovely.
Our gate. Well-protected. Whether it's out of fear or neccesity, we're not sure.
And just in case, our landlord's husband is a police officer. Reassuring....we think. S.A.P.S. (South African Police Service) are known primarily for corruption.

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