Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Apartment

After a long drawn out battle to find an apartment in Durban, we ended up renting the second place we saw. It is a small cottage/converted garage on the property of a young family with two kids and two dogs. The place is small, but perfect for us and in a great neighborhood just north of downtown Durban. On our way to renting this apartment, we had a an apartment pulled out from under us after we signed a lease, we saw apartments that had stunning ocean views, we saw apartments with parrots next door, we saw apartments with landlords who made sure we understood the quality (read white) of his tenants, and we saw apartments overlooking one of the largest malls in the southern hemisphere. In the end, we are in a small place with only half a kitchen, but we love it. We have a great coffee shop around the corner, some bars and restaurants a few blocks away, and nice community feel - or as much of a community feel as you can get when every house is surrounded by a large wall with barbed wire on top.

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