Saturday, September 24, 2011

Updates from the Land of Lillian

Our daughter, as it turns out, is the SMARTEST baby EVER.  Last night, she slept from 9:30 at night to 7 in the morning, only waking up once at 3:15 am to eat.  If that isn't sheer brilliance, I don't know what is.  She loves her new crib, although we are already nostalgic for the days when she slept in her bassinet.

We spent the first half of September meeting new family members and getting ready for Ben and Caitlin's wedding.  Caitlin was a stunning bride and Ben celebrated by spending half the evening crying and the other half sweating on the dance floor, which meant it was a perfect night.  And on September 14, Lillian got a new beautiful cousin, Gemma, courtesy of Peter and Laura.  We all can't wait to meet her! 

Our life on the Cape consists of lots of one-sided conversations with our baby, lots of laundry, and lots of praying that the Red Sox make the playoffs.  Come visit anytime!

First trip to Four Seas Ice Cream! 

Uncle Andrew dwarfs Lillian.

The 3Bs: Beach, Beer, Baby.

Meeting Grandpa Dan

Down by the boats

Lillian is clearly enthralled by the pretty harbor.

Oliver meets Lillian, post-nap for both of them.

Oliver, deciding what he thinks of this tiny creature.

Wow.  Baby. 

Getting ready for Hurricane Irene.

Thank you, Jake Danziger!

Our nightly walk.

Lillian likes her molecule. 

Officially a New Englander now.

Milk coma.

Good cheeks.

Helping her mom and her aunt Caitlin get ready for the wedding.

Wide awake...only it's 11 PM....

This is what happens when her mother dresses her.

Guitar lessons.

Visiting the farm, three years later.

Lillian loves bathtime....

...and her cousin Jessie.

Cousins Jessie and Sandy came to meet Lillian...

...along with Sandy's husband Alex.

Admiring the bride-to-be.


Whistling lessons from Uncle Ben.

Practicing for the big day.

All dressed up for the rehearsal dinner - thanks, Megan Davies!

The wedding was way too much fun.

The morning after.

Lillian can't wait to visit Berkeley and her West Coast family.

Beach walk on a chilly September day.


Dylan said...

Great photos! :) Lillian is a very lucky little girl. :)

Joelle said...

Great pictures! Hope you guys are able to make it back out to Ann Arbor so we can meet Lillian!

Bess said...

I am obsessed. Keep posting :)

Jody Lemke said...

It's wonderful to see Lillian looking so happy and loved. It's exciting to have three little girl babies in our family. It would be fun to have them all together. :-)

Love the red in her hair!