Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Khungasse 2

In Vienna, we hunted down the place where my grandmother lived. The neighborhood looked as though maybe it hadn't changed all that much. We then found one of the only synagogues that survived Kristalnacht, an inconspicuous place with heavy security. I felt haunted by the past for much of our visit.

There was much to do in Vienna, almost too much. We visited the Schonbrunn palace, built by an empress, where I managed to volunteer myself for a role in a apple strudel making demonstration. They dressed me up in an apron and baker's hat and now Natty fears that he may come home from class next year to find strudel dough strewn around our little apartment. We also visited the Kunsthistoriches, an art museum, rode a 1950s era ferris wheel, and spent much too much money on chocolates from Demel, the former chocolatier of the the Hapsburg empire.

Then it was off to Budapest!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i feel like you're the only person i know, sarah, who would accidentally get involved in strudel-making demonstrations while on your honeymoon. you are the absolute best. keep those pictures coming!! how ABSOLUTELY beautiful.