Monday, November 28, 2011


Thanksgiving at Grandma Nelly’s is a sight to be seen. The festivities began in earnest on Tuesday evening, when Uncle Billy serenaded friends and families with variations of Waltzing Matilda. Grandma claimed that he had drunk one too many glasses of wine, but no, Uncle Billy is full of jolly without a drop of liquor. Thanksgiving itself involved twenty-eight of us, including three first-timers (congratulations, Stephanie, Anne Marie, and Quanli!) and one cute baby. As always, every dining room chair was covered with a plastic trash bag, for fear the “children” might make a mess, and leftovers were synonymous with the devil. Nelly insisted that her great-granddaughter serve as a centerpiece for the big meal. Which was so exciting to Lillian that she decided not to sleep for the next four nights.

Saturday brought the Ohio State – Michigan showdown. We made like undergraduates, donning yellow and drinking before noon. Except that between the six of us, we couldn’t finish a twelve-pack, so I guess that qualifies us as officially old. The game was amazing, which obviously means Michigan finally beat OSU.  Hail to the victors!

By Sunday night, there were only eight of us left, eating pizza and sprawled in front of the Patriots game, conquered by a week of food, family, and fun. The dining room table was back to normal size, the chairs were uncovered, and aside from some chocolate frosting and some stewed fruits, most of the leftovers were gone.

I’m grateful for it all.

Being cute. 

Asleep with Aunt Kim.  Watch out Andrew, and Katherine, she wants grandbabies!
Lillian looks like her doll. 
Uncle Danny, booties from GM Nelly, and toys.  Life is good.
Brother and sister.
Thumbs up.
The newlyweds.
Auntie Caitlin loves me.  A lot.
Pre-meal discussions.
My mom double-fists champagne.
Proof that my sister actually does help!
My baby.  I like her. 
Lots of generations.
BCE.  Best Centerpiece Ever.
Kids' Table.  Complete with wine, a major upgrade from the 1990 version.
Cousins = FUN.
Crazy uncle in the making?
Science is good. 
GO BLUE!  (Lillian: My parents are abandoning me all day to do WHAT?!)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Updates from the Land of Lillian

Our daughter, as it turns out, is the SMARTEST baby EVER.  Last night, she slept from 9:30 at night to 7 in the morning, only waking up once at 3:15 am to eat.  If that isn't sheer brilliance, I don't know what is.  She loves her new crib, although we are already nostalgic for the days when she slept in her bassinet.

We spent the first half of September meeting new family members and getting ready for Ben and Caitlin's wedding.  Caitlin was a stunning bride and Ben celebrated by spending half the evening crying and the other half sweating on the dance floor, which meant it was a perfect night.  And on September 14, Lillian got a new beautiful cousin, Gemma, courtesy of Peter and Laura.  We all can't wait to meet her! 

Our life on the Cape consists of lots of one-sided conversations with our baby, lots of laundry, and lots of praying that the Red Sox make the playoffs.  Come visit anytime!

First trip to Four Seas Ice Cream! 

Uncle Andrew dwarfs Lillian.

The 3Bs: Beach, Beer, Baby.

Meeting Grandpa Dan

Down by the boats

Lillian is clearly enthralled by the pretty harbor.

Oliver meets Lillian, post-nap for both of them.

Oliver, deciding what he thinks of this tiny creature.

Wow.  Baby. 

Getting ready for Hurricane Irene.

Thank you, Jake Danziger!

Our nightly walk.

Lillian likes her molecule. 

Officially a New Englander now.

Milk coma.

Good cheeks.

Helping her mom and her aunt Caitlin get ready for the wedding.

Wide awake...only it's 11 PM....

This is what happens when her mother dresses her.

Guitar lessons.

Visiting the farm, three years later.

Lillian loves bathtime....

...and her cousin Jessie.

Cousins Jessie and Sandy came to meet Lillian...

...along with Sandy's husband Alex.

Admiring the bride-to-be.


Whistling lessons from Uncle Ben.

Practicing for the big day.

All dressed up for the rehearsal dinner - thanks, Megan Davies!

The wedding was way too much fun.

The morning after.

Lillian can't wait to visit Berkeley and her West Coast family.

Beach walk on a chilly September day.