Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lillian Aya Bruhn

Lillian made her grand entrance on July 29, 2011 at 7:33 pm.  The first week has been a blur of feedings, poops, and attempts at REM sleep.  She is growing well and getting chubbier every day, and she is sleeping long enough at a time to keep us sane.  We love introducing her to family and friends and are happily settling into our roles as parents. 

With Great-Grandma Nelly

Her favorite place in the world to sleep
Her first book

Hazel, our goddaugher, meets Lillian

Getting to know her Uncle David and Aunt Stephanie

Nicely swaddled in David's arms

With her mama

David wants her to know all about molecules

Big trip to the Ann Arbor Farmer's Market

At the market

With Grandma Martha and Aunt Stephanie

Sleepy baby

And still sleepy...

Her first dress from Aunt Caitlin

Four generations
Brand new

Leaving the hospital

With Monkey

Good sleepyhead

Excited for her first wedding!